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Revenue Policy, Legal and Administrative Frameworks

In the areas of tax, customs, non-tax revenue, Special Economic Zones (SEZs), incentives, Public Financial Management (PFM) , and extractive industries, advisory on the interdependent nature and content of policy, legislative and administrative frameworks, including –

  • provision of strategic policy advice to Ministers, administrators and funding partners, to identify and develop reforms consistent with policy objectives, international obligations and relevant practice

  • policy formulation for new fiscal and investment frameworks to promote economic growth, pro-poor policies, and job creation

  • policy formulation for improved compliance environment

  • legislative and regulatory burden reviews for revenue frameworks

  • implementation of evolving international standards on BEPS

  • tax expenditure analysis, including incentive rationalisation and harmonisation

  • non-tax revenue harmonisation at national and sub-national levels

  • PFM frameworks for collection of taxation and other revenues

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